Météo-France at the service of society

Protecting the population, supporting public policies and helping the development of weather-sensitive activities through the most accurate and relevant weather and climate forecasting for decision making - such is the mission of Météo-France, which must constantly innovate and adapt to meet new challenges: those of the impact of climate change on weather events and thus on activity and our daily lives. It is a question of forecasting and anticipating in an ever more precise, more targeted manner in order to enable decision-makers, whether public, private or institutional, to adapt and take the right decisions. In 2019, Météo-France and all its teams, whether administrative, scientific or technical, both in metropolitan France and overseas, were fully mobilised.

Constant attention and rigour are the necessary conditions for a high level of expertise to help make forecasts, prevent meteorological hazards in the most accurate way and simulate the future climate. This expertise also relies on the availability of data from efficient observation networks, forecasting models maintained at the highest standards and high computing power. It is fuelled by the research activity carried out within the National Meteorological Research Centre.

For Météo-France, being useful for decision-making means remaining a source of reference knowledge for scientific institutions such as the IPCC, public authorities and the regions. Finally, thanks to the fruit of its research and strategic partnerships, it is improving knowledge of weather and climate phenomena and strengthening its action to publicise the observed and foreseeable effects of climate change in order to increase our fellow citizens' awareness of the issues at stake.

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