Glossary of acronyms and abbreviations

ADEME: Agency for the Environment and Energy Management

AFNOR: French Association for Standardisation

ALLENVI: National Environmental Research Alliance

ANR: National Research Agency

AP 2022: Public action 2022

AROME: Application of research at the operational mesoscale (high-resolution digital prediction model from Météo-France)

ARPEGE: Large-scale small-scale research action (large-scale digital prediction model from Météo-France)

CCR: Central Reinsurance Fund

CCROM: Advisory Committee for Meteorological Observation Networks

CEA: Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission

CEN: Centre for Snow Studies

CEP or ECMWF: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

CEREMA: Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the Environment, Mobility and Development

CERFACS: European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computing

CNES: National Centre for Space Studies

CNRM: National Meteorological Research Centre (Météo-France)

CNRS: National Scientific Research Centre

CREWS: Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems

CSM: The High Council of Meteorology

CSP: Shared Services Centre

SES: Single European Sky

DGAC: Directorate General of Civil Aviation

DGS: Directorate General for Health

DRIAS: Providing access to French regionalised climate scenarios for the impact and adaptation of our societies and environments

ENM: National Meteorological School

EUMETNET: European Meteorological Network

EUMETSAT: European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites

IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IFREMER: French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea

INP: National Polytechnic Institute

INRA: National Institute for Agronomic Research

IPSL: Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace

IRD: Development Research Institute

IRSN: Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety

IRSTEA: National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture

LA: Aerology Laboratory

LACY: Atmosphere and Cyclones Laboratory

LISA: Inter-university Atmospheric Systems Laboratory

LSCE: Climate and Environmental Sciences Laboratory

MAIF: French Teachers' Mutual Insurance Society

MAPUCE: Applied modelling and urban planning law: urban climate and energy

MESRI: Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation

MIA: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (Joint Research Unit)

MTES: Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition

ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organisation

WMO: World Meteorological Organisation

SANEF: North and East of France Motorways Company

SPF: Public Health France

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