The High Council of Meteorology

Created by Decree No. 91-1209 of 29 November 1991, the Conseil Supérieur de la Météorologie (CSM - High Council for Meteorology) is a consultative body between Météo-France and users, both public and private, of its services and information, as well as the institution's various contacts and partners.

The High Council of Meteorology

The Council is responsible in particular for:

  • contributing to the definition of the institution's strategic orientations by expressing the concerns of civil society in its field of competence;
  • participating in the evaluation of the services provided by Météo-France to its users;
  • promoting Météo-France's skills and services to interested stakeholders;
  • formulating requirements or recommendations and monitoring the progress of actions carried out

The members of the commissions are drawn from bodies concerned with meteorology and/or various persons chosen for their function or skills, on the proposal of the vice-president, commission chairs or an active member.

The Council is composed of nine specialist committees: agriculture, light aviation, transport aviation, education - training, health - environment, hydrology - energy, marine, civil security - land transport - civil engineering, tourism - information.

At the end of 2019, a revision of the CSM decree was initiated with the MTES, which expires at the end of June 2020 and aims to better adapt the texts to changes in activities and scope, in particular on climate, observation, and on the coordination of networks of contributors to the observation of the atmosphere and the surface ocean among themselves and with Météo-France.

17 requirements were expressed in the CSM committees in 2019

Satisfied (S): 65% - Partially satisfied (PS): 35% - Not satisfied: 0%





Mise en place d’une convention avec le ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation pour la mission de surveillance biologique du territoire


Aviation légère

Lancement d’une étude d’une solution de remplacement du bulletin vol à voile pour les usagers de l’aérologie


Ajout des précipitations prévues en complément des précipitations passées sur les coupes-trajet



Récupération des données climatiques anciennes non encore numérisées (Data Rescue)


Évolution climatique du gisement éolien en France métropolitaine



Référencement des ressources pédagogiques du site Internet de Météo-France


Identification d’un réseau en charge du soutien éducatif dans la future organisation de Météo-France



Impact sanitaire des poussières désertiques


Liens entre variables climatiques et santé mentale



Contribuer à l’amélioration de l’ergonomie, de l’interactivité ainsi qu’à l’enrichissement du contenu de la rubrique « Marine » du site Internet de Météo-France qui est actuellement en cours de refonte


Inclusion d’informations relatives à la sécurité maritime dans la rubrique « Marine » du site de Météo-France


Information sur les vagues scélérates à l’Organisation maritime internationale (OMI)


Présentation de la rubrique « Marine » du site de Météo-France au Comité interministériel de la mer (Cimer)


Expérimentation d’affichage moderne d’informations météorologiques sécuritaires


Sécurité civile-Transports terrestres

Calcul des IVH (Indice de viabilité hivernale)


Représentation graphique des vents sur l’extranet de sécurité civile



Mise à disposition d’information météorologique pour la pratique des activités en montagne


Colloque CSM

Annual conference: "Weather and decision making: issues and prospects"

Every year, Météo-France organises a symposium with the Higher Council of Meteorology. Open to all its partners and stakeholders, this meeting, organised around conferences, testimonies and round tables, aims to stimulate debate and discussion on issues related to meteorology and climate in all areas of life and economic activity. In May 2019, the annual conference was devoted to the impact of weather on public and private decision-making.

Open in front of nearly 200 participants on a presentation of the work of Professor Sébastien Nobert, from the University of Montreal, on the "comparison of operational flood risk management in different European countries", the debates were organised around three round tables bringing together numerous speakers from meteorology or weather-sensitive professional fields:

  • risk culture and preventive information: what are the needs of society?
  • breadth of data and diversity of needs: tomorrow, what advice do you have to offer?
  • decision making: what are the expectations of users?
Discover the other chapters of the current part

Strengthening our complementarities for security and business continuity

By cooperating with international weather and climate players